- <→CAN'T do without>
cannot do without 意味
- japanese traditional hairstyles cannot do without the ' kushi ' (comb ), the ' kanzashi ' (ornate hairpin accessory ) and the ' kogai ' (hairpin ) and , amongst these three items , the kogai hairpin proudly follows on from the historical origins of the comb .
- "cannot do enough" 意味
- "cannot do for toffee" 意味
- "cannot do for toffy" 意味
- "cannot do in all conscience" 意味
- "cannot do with" 意味
- "cannot do without someone's advice" 意味
- "cannot do worse than do" 意味
- "cannot do worse than to do" 意味
- "cannot drink much" 意味
- "cannot do in all conscience" 意味
- "cannot do with" 意味
- "cannot do without someone's advice" 意味
- "cannot do worse than do" 意味